Diposkan oleh Rosmana A.P. Saturday, September 5, 2009

Brain is the largest organ in our body. This organ is the center of our body's activities controller. This organ located in our head, protected by our skull. This organ are divided into two parts. Big brain and small brain. The brain's parts have a lot of neuron cells that connected each other in it. That's why injuries at brain are almost unable to recovered.

Big brain is one of our brain parts. Usually, this part only called "Brain" by some people. This part called Big Brain because it's size that bigger than Small brain. This big brain are divided into two parts. Left brain, which control the right part of humans body, and right brain, which control the left part of body. Beside this differentiation, our big brain also divided into front brain, center brain and back brain.

Front brain are divided again into four lobes, frontal, pariental, okspital, and temporal. Between frontal and pariental lobes, there's sulkus sentralis (Rolando Gap).There're two layers at the front brain. The outer part contains a lot of neuron cells. This part has a folded shape which make it's surface become wider. The inner part contains fiber neuron cells like dendrite and neurite. Center brain is located at the inner part of big brain, near small brain and varol bridge (varolli spons). Back brain are constructed by varolli spons , oblongata medulla, and small brain that's form brain stem.

Our brain is one of the evidence of creation by Allah. This has been proved by our brain complexity. This complexity has show us that a statement that said this complexity are created by coincidence is impossible and incorrect. Beside that, as the another evidence, you can see at the brain's shape that look like someone in "sujud" position. SUBHANALLAH!

29 komentar

  1. Ini maksudnya sembahyang adalah gerakan badan yang dapat melancarkan aliran otak ya???

    Gimana mudiknya,jadi ke Amuntai lebaran nanti??
    Kalau jadi ke Amuntai,hubungi aku ya 081351327924

  2. Subhanallah!
    emang Allah udah membuat sedemikian rupa. Dia lah Maha Sempurna.
    btw, ganti template yaa? baru liat nih..hehehe

  3. @ Arief Rachman Heriansyah : Bukan, maksudnya bentuk otak manusia itu seperti posisi saat orang sujud

    @ gomel : Iya mbak! supaya lebih sederhana! hehehehe

  5. Subhanallah,.....
    Shalat bisa menjadi obat berbagai macam penyakit .

    Keajaiban otak yang illustrasinya seperti orang sementara bersujud.

  6. Mantap artikelnya boss salam kenal yaa dari blog baruku :D
    Movie Online Streaming

  7. waduh sayang artikelnya inggris :(
    tak trnslate dulu mas

  8. genial ™ Says:
  9. kebenaran bahwa tingkat kompleksitas yang di miliki oleh struktur otak memang mengisyaratkan sang Penciptanya... gag mungkin hal serumit itu nongol secara kebetulan dlm tubuh kita yang juga demikian rumit strukturnya iia kang... mangstabs...

    tp sayangnya ko' hanya saiia ajja yg blm bsa ngeliad bentukan orang sujud pada tekstur otak tersebut iia...?!??! apa saiia seorang yg gag dpt hidayah kang atas tulisan ini?!?!?

  10. @ Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra: Maha Suci Allah!
    @ Movie Online Streaming: Salam kenal juga!
    @ Bismillah Slamet : waduh! lupa masang gugel translate saya! hehehe
    @ genial ™ :kan ujung otak (yang warna ungu tua) seperti kepala orang waktu sujud. Sedangkan bagian otak yang warna kuning seperti posisi tangan orang waktu sujud... hehehe...

  11. zujoe Says:
  12. oooohhhhh.... hebaaatttt.... proven now.

  13. kabr baek mas! nice artikel.....
    ternyata kalo' diperhatiin emang otak manusia mirip kaya' org sujud ya, Subhanallah

  14. wawan Says:
  15. pada mudeng kaga? kalau kaga, nih disini aja:
    translate inggris indonesia yakakaka...

  16. @ zujoe: Hehehehe... begitulah mas joe!...
    @ Ombung (^ ; ^)v : iya mas! maha suci Allah...
    @ wawan : hehehe... (^_^;)

  17. cebong ipiet Says:
  18. memang sangat konyol kalau ada teori manusia sekompleks ini terbentuk secara kebetulan krn proses lama :D
    satu bagian sel aja uda rumitnya minta ampun
    tentunya ada Sang Maha Pencipta Maha Cerdas

  19. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  20. @cebong ipiet : bener mbak!

  21. neilhoja Says:
  22. traficnya mangstabh... :D
    hehe.. postingannnya juga kerennnn gud luck sob! keepo posting..

    wew.. tumben cebong pinter? :D

  23. vie_three Says:
  24. eeehhhh iya2.... subhanallah bener tuch....

  25. DUNIA POLAR Says:
  26. slain sprt bentuk sujud, tu kok mirip orang gi tidur yah :D
    btw otak kiri n otak kanan fungsinya kok gt?? dulu guruku kok bilang fungsinya beda yah,hihii....

  27. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  28. @neilhoja: thanks!
    @vie_three :maha suci Allah!
    @DUNIA POLAR: sebenarnya fungsi otak sangat banyak, hanya saja disebutkan sebagian saja agar lebih mudah dimengerti... hehehehe

  29. zujoe Says:
  30. bang, aku dah add linknya mas di blog baru, bisa tukeran link nggak hehe....

  31. soewoeng Says:
  32. hmmm (sambil mangut mangut)

  33. Unknown Says:
  34. malamm.....

  35. genial♂ Says:
  36. hahhaha.. saiia kembali di sini.. apa gag terlalu maksa kang?!?!? oalaahhh sepertinya hanya saiia seorang yang gag dpt hidayah di postingan ini :( hiks hiks hiks :(

  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri.
    Taqobalallohu minna wa minkum...

  39. Ratusya Says:
  40. why dont you post sujud position and its effect for our brain blood circulation ?
    i think it will be interesting :)
    awaiting your other great post.

    btw, wow... glad to see there're so many visitors leave their comment here.
    keep the good work, bro :)

  41. Subhanallah,..... blog yang sungguh2 keren.............

  42. Seno Says:
  43. Baru nyadar saya, kalo sujud melancarkan darah ke otak. Memang jika kita mengaitkan ilmu pengetahuan dengan agama sangat banyak hal yang logis dan tidak ada alasan untuk mengingkarinya. Keren sob.

  44. Anonymous Says:
  45. hi

  46. i'm proud for saying "jijai mba (good job, red)
    thx for helping my biology task- this article made me more understand and done my problem! thx so much! viva working for de admin

    rahmat hidayat 14th.

  47. aa Says:
  48. Saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada pembuat artikel ini, artikel ini berisi informasi yang sangat bermanfaat untuk smeua pembaca khususnya saya sendiri. Saya tunggu lagi informasi-informasi lainnya yang tidak kalah menarik.
    Sukses selalu untuk anda

    kunjungi web kami untuk menambah ilmu
    terima kasih


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