Diposkan oleh Rosmana A.P. Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blood type is a kind of blood classification based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. There are around 30 human blood type system based on different antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells membrane. These antigenic substances can be protein, glycoprotein, glycolipids, or carbohydrates.

The most well known blood type systems are The AB0 System, and Rhesus System. Each of these systems based on different antigenic substance on the surface of red blood cells membrane.
AB0 System are invented by Karl Landsteiner. This system divide blood into 4 type: A, B, AB, and 0. Every blood types have their own agglutinogen. Type A has the agglutinogen α and agglutinin β and  whereas type B has the agglutinogen β and aglutinin α. But, type AB has both of agglutinogen α and β and have no agglutinin whereas type 0 have no agglutinogen and has both of agglutinin type α and β. That's why type AB blood said as the universal recipient which means this blood type can receive transfusion from all others blood type and oppositely type 0 can donate it's blood to all other blood type which said as the universal donor. But, it is not recommended to transfused different blood type to another blood type although one or both of the blood types that involved in the transfusion are universal donor and universal recipient due to some dangerous risks.

The second blood classification is Rhesus System. It is based on RH factor antigen. This system was named after a species of Rhesus monkey which is also known to has this agglutinogen. This system was also found by Karl Landsteiner. This system divide the blood into two kind of blood. Rh+ and Rh-. Someone who has Rh factor will be classified as Rh+ and Who haven't the factor will be classified as Rh-. Usually, this system's blood type will be same in the same race. Rhesus type is really important. It because if an Rh- woman marry with an Rh+ man, their second, third, and next children may dangered by erythroblastosis fetalis which is caused if the embryo blood type is Rh+.This embryo then will be attacked by it's mother's immunity (due to the difference of Rh blood type.

Sometimes, genetic disorders can cause some disorder at someone's blood type. For example The Bombay Type which firstly found in Bombay (now Mumbai), India. Someone with this blood type won't express the "H antigens" which always expressed at 0 blood type. This blood type is very rare. only one people from two hundred and fifty thousands people has this blood type. The AB0 usual test will classified this blood type as 0. Accidentally, this blood type can only receive blood transfusion from the another Bombay Type which means it is really dangerous for someone with Bombay Type that get injured due to the rarity of this blood type

20 komentar

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. good... sejak dulu aku selalu tertarik dengan misteri dari golongan darah..

    diterusin yang lebih detail dunk..
    hehe.. ^^

  3. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  4. Oke mas! *search bahan lagi*

  5. Kang Sugeng Says:
  6. hmmmm... hmmmmm....... manggut manggut doank tanda mengerti meski masih sedikit bingung hahahaha...
    Sistem Rhesus, erythroblastosis fetalis... semua kata itu sangat asing buat saya

  7. Kang Sugeng Says:
  8. maaf... komentarnya ndak nyambung... soalnya saya beneran ndak tau meski sudah saya translate ke id, sekedar komen ndak papa to Mas Rosmana..?

  9. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  10. @ Kang Sugeng: Gak apa-apa kok kang! Saya juga masih belajar. Asal ada yang mau mengunjungi dan mengomentari blog ini, saya sangat senang kok!

  11. NEWB Says:
  12. infonya keren bang
    thanks ya

  13. nada Says:
  14. jgn bosen update ya

  15. Ratusya Says:
  16. hm... i always love your posting about science. keep blogging & sharing the knowledge :)

  17. Katanya jenis2 golongan darah bisa mempengaruhi sifat manusianya lho...ini katanya lho...

  18. Novan Says:
  19. wes! mantap!

  20. awasblunder Says:
  21. Accidentally, this blood type can only receive blood transfusion from the another Bombay Type which means it is really dangerous for someone with Bombay Type that get injured due to the rarity of this blood type..AB0 is a special blood type, unique, but O is universal.

    What's effect of cocaine for blood, read here Effect of Cocaine for Blood

  22. HAPIA Mesir Says:
  23. berkunjung sekalian komen bro....

    wah tu darah kl dizoom ya bro....

  24. Anonymous Says:
  25. salam visi . ..

    wah bahas darah ne . . .

    mantap . . kapan2 bahas juga yah misteri2 dibalik darah itu . . pesan apa aja yang terkandung pada darah .. dsb .. thanks . .

    salam kenal . .

  26. zujoe Says:
  27. huehuehue... sampai saat ini aku masih lom tau nih golongan darahku apaan.... apalagi Rh + ato -

  28. Awal Sholeh Says:
  29. wah2 mampir lagi. he3....

  30. Jaka Utama Says:
  31. mantap and nice info
    cuma kasian yg gak ngerti..
    termasuk saya... hihihihihi

  32. Celebrities Says:
  33. info menarik sahabatku!, sesama seperingkat boleh tukeran link kagak ya!?, jika boleh infokan saya sahabatku!, terima kasih..

  34. Qori Says:
  35. yang saya tahu darah itu warnanya merah.

    template baru nih, sob?

  36. nice info, darah itu berwarna merah tentunya, tapi yang sering dikatakan orang darah biru itu, darah apa ya...?

  37. Qori Says:
  38. brow, kenapa kemaren gak ikutan kopdar di banjarmasin?


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