"Lumpur panas Lapindo" is a burst of heat mud in "PT. Lapindo Brantas" bore location in Porong, Sidoarjo, East Java. The bursts are located near residence, toll road from Surabaya to Gempol, road from Surabaya to Malang and from Pasuruan to Banyuwangi. Around the the bursts location, there are the central of industrials in East Java.
at the first time, the burst mud volumes are around 5,000 meters cubic each day. Until now, the mud volumes are being increased until 126,000 meters cubic each day.
The heat mud caused:
The heat mud caused:
- Many Citizens are evacuated
- The industrial sectors are destruct
- Educations and industrial facility are unfunctionable
- some sections on the road closed and caused a traffic jam
- the environment was destruct and caused the ecosystem become unbalance
- Making some dyke to block the mud, but sometimes the dyke may break down
- Waste the mud into "Kali Porong"
hohoho... i'm still wondering how it could be happened... can you post about it? :D
oops... sorry ma'am. hehehe