Diposkan oleh Rosmana A.P. Saturday, August 8, 2009

There're still many mysteries in this world. Beside that, there're still many human dreams that isn't come true yet. But, these dreams may come true because the development in technologies, for example Biotechnology.

Biotechnology is a kind of technology development in modern biology. This biotechnology give many advantage to our lives. It because this biotechnology has ease us. For example, this biotechnology has improve the produce of foods. Although it still can't fulfill the minus of foods amount due the foods crisis. Beside that, this biotechnology may ease the produce of drugs, especially antibiotics.

Biotechnology inventions has ease our lives. For example in agriculture. The inventions of plants that resistence to some insect has improve the amount of food production. Beside that, this insect resistence plants have decrease the use of pesticide. So, the environment won't be polluted. Beside that, researches of the bacteries genoms (especially E.coli) has allow researhers and scientists to modify bacteries genoms to produce antibiotics and hormones to heal some diseases. For example the productions of insuline hormone by modified the genoms of E.coli to produce insuline. This hormone is used to heal Diabetes Mellitus thats caused by the low amount of insuline hormone in the body.

But, some of these biotechnology inventions have cause really serious problem to our environment. Some of them even cause more problems than before the invention. For example is rot resistence tomatoes that come from the modify of tomato genom with goldfish genom. These tomatoes had caused serious problem to the fields where they were planted. The fields where these tomatoes were planted will become barren and unplantable anymore.

The another one that cause problems is insect resistence plants. Researches shows that these plants surprisingly can transport it resistence ability to a kind of grass. So, this kind of grass will be resistence.

But, there're still many advantage from biotechnology. This technology may make humans dream come true. Although it still can't now. For example, a kind of plant that can produce and serve environment safe "gasoline" for cars and other transportation user. So, it can fulfill the needs of environment safe gas and many others things. Although it still unable to make these dream come true. But, may these dream come true one day?

35 komentar

  1. nyegik Says:
  2. waaaawwww is a nikmat bener dech liatin gambarnya

  3. suzhu BITES Says:
  4. human is God creature who has been given brain to improve its skill to have much more better living, so it is not impossible if someday human makes biotech for the living.

  5. Awal Sholeh Says:
  6. suzhu nice you english he3... biotekno yah sob ;) mantaps. he3.. ajarin english dunk

  7. Ratusya Says:
  8. all of human creature has positive and negative side as well. nothing is perfect. that's why we should consider the affect of technology implementation whether it brings more positive impact or negative one.

    one of biotech implementation's breakthrough is map of all human chromosome and research about genetic disease. it's awesome!!! and i'm amazed how perfect God creates us...

    btw, biotechnology was my major once finishing my final research. It's interesting.

  9. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  10. @Quinie: Beneran mbak??? hehehe... awalnya cuma sepupu yang request buat tugas... hehehe

  11. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  12. Testing....

  13. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  14. oh... udah bener...

  15. aprillins Says:
  16. one of biotech implementation's breakthrough is map of all human chromosome and research about genetic disease. it's awesome!!! and i'm amazed how perfect God creates us... <-- weleh.. DNA and RNA maksudna? gitu aja kok repot panjang panjang.. kalau saya baru tau bioteknologi buat oil and gas aja oomm..

  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. isi ini dulu, baru komentar kemudian hehehe...

  19. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  20. @aprillins: Wah... saya juga baru belajar... hehehehe
    @gaweanu: silakan...

  21. aprillins Says:
  22. ehheeehehe.. sip sip salam kenal yaa dari saya pria biasa.. hueheuhe

  23. Unknown Says:
  24. Askum... permisi

  25. Ratusya Says:
  26. @ aprillins : biotechnology is more than DNA, RNA, Chromosome. Enzyme, protein, celular & nanotechnology and alot of things :)

    @ rosmana : aprillins emang gitu kok...xixixi..suka usil :) dia iri ama lu ngerti ginian :p.
    tuh kan si aprillins ngerusak komen gua yang biasanya pake basa inggris... huahahaha

  27. Unknown Says:
  28. Wah, orang banjar jua sekalinya... salam kenal mas Rosmana

  29. Awal Sholeh Says:
  30. mampir lagi mas setelah ke syukuran temen2 yg lulus kpn nyusul yah. eh iya temen aku ada anak banjar loh namanya iin jurusan informatika uii.

  31. Unknown Says:
  32. halo. thanks for visiting and commenting one of my postings. hhe

  33. suzhu BITES Says:
  34. mampir bro

  35. Wah gak ngerti nih bahasa inggris

    oiya mbak itu loga Top Seratusnya sangat menganggum klo bisa ditaruh dibawah fixed positionnya

  36. GREAT! biotech is totally awesome! i'm agree with you..it brings many advantages for our life.
    anyway, don't forget to visit back my blog..n leave a comment on it! oke?? :D

  37. genial Says:
  38. ini yang buat bahan bakar masa depan kan kang iia... heheheheh mantabss... tp pernah liad acara pimp my ride gag di MTV?!?!? waktu bintang tamunya gubernur arkansas Arnold Scwrzngr... hehehehe... dia mengkampanyekan ini kan kang :) apa hubungannya iia?!??! heheheheheheh.. gtu lah pko'nya :)

  39. mimpi jd kenyataan,moga2 kt dapet wujudin mimpi kt dgn jerih payah ......


    tukeran link .ya..

    knjng blk ...

  40. Anonymous Says:
  41. bro...thanks komentarnya...btw, kok tulisan kamu inggris semua sih..saya tak mengerti..

  42. suzhu BITES Says:
  43. aq mampir kesini...blog kamu yg satu mana?

  44. suzhu BITES Says:
  45. aq mampir kesini...blog kamu yg satu mana?

  46. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  47. @genial : ada ya ? hm... kebetulan yang aneh...

    @bana_online: amiin... Link udah dipasang!

    @Muhammad Qori: sekalian belajar mas... hehehe

    @suzhu BITES: saya hidden mbak, supaya lebih konsen... hehehe

  48. aprillins Says:
  49. @quinie: iya kk..

  50. zujoe Says:
  51. mwehehehe... talking talking about biotechnology nih... bahasan yang tinggi buat kucing sekelas aku... link nya dah aku add ya...

  52. kakve-santi Says:
  53. numpang tenar disini...
    bahasa bule

  54. Kang Sugeng Says:
  55. Wuaaaa bioteknologi ya. Manusia memang diberi kelebihan agar bisa dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Mimpi harus bisa diwujudkan.

  56. Sekalian nitip link ya.. Mas...

  57. very nice

  58. Awal Sholeh Says:
  59. kok blm update kawan?

  60. Awal Sholeh Says:
  61. bangun tidur online sebelum tdr online..... apa2 online terus ;)

  62. suzhu BITES Says:
  63. misi...mo bilang met wiken aja...

  64. terjemahan Says:
  65. terus berbagi..


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