65 million years ago, Dinosaurs and the other giant Reptiles are extinct. No one know why it happens. But, many hypotheses were appeared. But, still no one know the main cause of these reptiles extinction.
Since more than 100 million years before this extinction, the first mammals were born. These mammals were estimated only as big as modern mouse. Almost all of these mammals are nocturnal mammals due the reptiles especially dinosaurs which dominate the world at that time. But, around 65 million years ago, these giant reptiles and dinosaurs suddenly dissappeared from this world. Due to this mass dissappears, Earth become empty from giant reptiles and only mammals and a little of reptiles left.
The mass extinctions of dinosaurs and the other reptiles have allow the survived mammals to develop and grow into various mammals. Even, some of this species developed into winged mammals like bats and some other return to the sea like whale. This fact was known from the anatomy structure of human's hands, whale's fins, and bat's wings which show the homology of mammals anatomy.
Before mammals conquer the world, appeared a kind of giant carnivorous unfyable birds which called Ratit. These birds even have big sharp beak and claws that help these birds to kill it's preys. Even, this giant birds eat "Hyracotherium", the ancestor of Horse. But, the glory of these birds were not long lasting. Not long after they appears, they suddenly extinct.
The glory age of mammals reached at Eocene Era. At this era, mammals reach their most variation of their species. Even at this time, mammals were spread everywhere from continents to the depth of ocean. But, as same as ratit, this glory was not long everlasting. the world climates change, temperature become very low and cause "Ice Age" over the world. This ice age had cause the extinction of some mammals and the survived ones were suffers. But, this climates changes gave advantages to some big mammals like Mammoth and Megaloceros (the largest deer ever known).
But, not long after that, the climates were change once again. the temperature increase and back to normal. But, these two climates changes had suffer not only mammals but almost all of organisms. That's why many mammals become suffer and extinct.
NEW POSTING! (ngejaga kavlingan 1)
hohoho... you've taken the first place :p.
btw, still curious about how they deliver a new generation with a some variation while they are same specieses...
Artine opo to kuwi Mas Rosmana?
mohon maap ya mas bila ada salah kata dan ucapan. met puasa. :)
sahur sahur blogwalking blogwalking.... mau bagi2 teh manis
wah..kalau seandainya mereka ini masih hidup, kita manusia pasti habis di mangsanya.hehehe
if only i could find a creature hal dinosaur half mammals haha
but it's imposible :P and they create a reason, the missing link
eemmm...ga bisa membayangkan kalau Dinosaurus masih hidup abad ini, bisa2 ga ada manusia & hewan2 lainnya donk..., sepi dunia ini.
wow..thank for the discovery info,bro..
it's very useful..
jangan lupa mampir yaaa :)
makasih infonya bro
thanks 4 your info...^_^
met puasa
Bahase bule aye kagak gape....mohon dimaapin ye...???
cas-cis-cus.... hehehehehe
pokoknya met puasa ajah dah... :D
@quinie: Maybe through a kind of genetic mutation ma'am? :D
@Mas Sugeng: Tinggal di tanslate sama google translate aja mas! hehehe :D
@Awal Sholeh: Selamat berpuasa juga mas! *langsung nyeruput teh waktu sahur hehehe...
@AISHALIFE-LINE: mungkin juga... Hiiii *merinding
@Cebong Ipiet: I think the most close animal with that characteristic is Therapside (animal at the upmost part of picture above). This animal is a reptile. But, it has almost all of mammals characteristics. :D
@Roshi: Mungkin habis akhirnya mas... hehehe
@gomel, buwel, a-chen: sama-sama, terima kasih atas kunjungannya!
@بوويل, vie_three: Selamat berpuasa juga! hehehe...
@PRof: nggak apa-apa kok mas, kalau mau ada google translatenya kok! :D
gimana hari ini? puasa mas? panas2... haus eh dosa he3...
wah.. sangat lama ya sob...
orang sejarah juga ya..
sip dah
@Imoel: saya suka biologi mas. Cuman lebih suka yang berbau paleontologi mas... hehehe
Wah rame nich...
Good Job Friend...
Wew biologi??? ("p) jgn yg jorok tp wekekekek...
good job sob.. kalo da yg baru koar koar ke aku yaaaaa
kayaknya tu artikel bagus banget deh, tapi sayang q masih lom bisa dengan bahasa english, klo bisa kasih versi indonesianya jga sob, okey
dinosaurus ... i like theme
ntar kita buat miniaturnya.. stuju ga ya???
boleh juga mas... hehehe
hehehe...aq juga stuju ma mba quieni, dino besar banget pas revolusi jadi kecil. oiya ada lagi nih, waktu dino musnah, dr mana dtng-nya binatang yg speciesnya sama ya,pdhl dino dh musnah...
kira-kira zaman Jurasik udah ada mamalia pertama mbak. Sedangkan kepunahan dinosaurus baru sekitar zaman kretaseus ratusan juta tahun setelah zaman jurasik
what about cat???
Bang nagbuburit disini sambil membaca artikelnya yang bahasa inggris*meski tak mengerti...
btw:gambarnya itu binatang apaan sih?
nice info bro! anyway, the giant reptiles were extinct because their giant physical body make them difficult to adapt to the climate (and other) change on the earth. in this regard, mammals get advantages over the reptiles.
that will be great if the giants live in this modern world like they are in Jurassic Park LOL.
mampir siang bro sambil ngabuburit
nice blog sob,...:)
still wondering... when the cats raise to the world??? halahh...
new post! mampir ya.. :)
it looks like you've interesting in history :)
wanna be an archeology?
ow sejarah jaman purba kah? i love it!
papasaorus ada ga? ;p
nice blog sob..thx be visit
jadi inget jaman2 muda dulu. belajar eukariotik dan teman2nya.. thanks for reminding! keep blogging! :)
blogwalking ah,,heheh
salam kenal buat yang punya blog ini,,,
@ nara: hm... maybe...
@ ♥ Neng Aia ♥: kan yang pemakan segala mbak... hehehe...
@ MATA HATI: you're welcome
@ QueeniieAngeLa: thanks for the supports...
@ rezKY p-RA-tama: salam kenal juga!
i am here to drop you some hi....smangat puasanya bro jgn tergoda dgn hal-2 yg berbau pelecehan, sekarang kita lagi diuji banget
@ suzhu BITES: OK Mbak! Semangat!
good article sob..
keren banget postingannya...
makasih ya karena udah mau sharing....
postingan nya pada bahasa bule semua ya...
karna nggak tau speak nya. begini aja deh comeng nya hehehehe jadul amet ye kagak ngerti bhsa ginian
waw all about artfak???
he he he lagi bahas film jurasics park yah :p
makasih udah berkunjung ya,,hix2,,jadi terharu
*lebay mode on
yuuuhhuuuuu....mampir bro, lagi ngapain nih? pasti lagi ngendap2 dibawah meja makan, ck...ck...nyebut bro nyebut...masih puasa niy, klo gag tahan puasa stengah hari aja hehehhe
info-info nya sangat menarik untuk di baca, saya baru pertama nih kesini ...mantap bro
siph kerennn
begini kalo mau belajar... translate dulu, baru baca lagi.
nice post.
still no cat... kapan kuciiinngg????
thanks for visiting me again :)
mantep lu.
post yg mmbrikan pelajaran ...
bukan kyk q...
thanks for info
I say thank you to the makers of this article, this article contains very useful information for readers, especially my own smeua. I'm waiting for other information that is not less interesting.
Good luck to you
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thank you
dino sudah lama sekali tidak ada lagi
jikalauhidup sekarang ,bagaimana menurut juragan ?