Thursday, October 15, 2009


Pollutant increased, Illegal Logging destroys the forests, Disasters are everywhere, Earth warms up, the icebergs suddenly dissapear, Climate change, Our world in danger.

Now, our planet is in dangers. This is caused by many factors. But, most of the dangers are caused by humans activities, global warming, and climate change.

Because of these factors, disasters are happened. Floods sank some region due to the dissapearance of forests that mostly caused by illegal logging. The ice in the north pole and south pole melted and the sea surface level increased due to the global warming. Humans must responsible to their activities that increase the amount of pollutants and the green house gases that cause these climate change and global warming.

Artics ice decrease rapidly because global warming that triggers the climate change. Many people near artic saw Artic's icebergs that suddenly dissapeared. The decrease of Artic ice may effect seas and ocean. The melted ice will cause the increase of sea surface height which automaticaly cause many lower place sink beneath the sea. Beside that, the melted ice also mix with sea water that may cause the disappearance of the gulf stream at the north Atlantic.

At Siberia, climate change triggers the melts of underground permafrost. Permafrost is rocks and soils which had frozen at least 2 years. These melts cause the permafrost aren't strong enough to prop the things on it. These melts had cause many houses in Siberia broke.

There are many effects that caused by climate change that caused pain to Earth, although almost all of them are caused by us. But, not all of the effects are destroy our Earth. For example, based on a book, ESSENTIAL SCIENCE, GLOBAL WARMING by Fred Pearce, the effects of global warming and climate change may turn back Sahara Dessert into it past condition, a forest. It is said that now in Sahara, there are only a few vegetation with a little rainfall. But, only with a little more rainfall that caused by global warming and followed by the vegetation increase, Sahara may turn back into forest.

Places that was said before are only a few of places that is affected by climate change. The reality, shows us that the entire world is affected by climate change due the global warming. We know that most of the factor that cause global warming and climate change are caused by us. We should stop doing something that may cause climate change and global warming. At least, reduce doing it step by step and change the methods with the "eco friendly" ones. For example, change the fossil gases with wind or solar power. This change will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that released to atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is known as one of the green house gases which cause green house effects that contribute to the global warming. The less green house gases, the less the effect of global warming, especially climate change. So, the effect of global warming will not increase and also will not damage the environments anymore. PREVENT GLOBAL WARMING! SAVE OUR PLANET!


Note: In Islam, Sahara Reforestation is known as one of the signs that signing the doomsday is near.


  1. Hi, Rosmana! This is one great post and wealth of resources. Keep it up :)

  2. global warming memang isu isu yang digencarkan oleh dunia....

    semoga kita dapat keselamatan aja, sob..

    btw: terima kasih panggilan kakaknya.

  3. Halo maaf nih, 3 hari tak bertandang…Maklum, tiap saya mau bloging musti pergi ke warnet terdekat…. Soalnya belum pasang inet di rumah…Jadi maklum kalo jarang komen atau apa…Tapi walalu begitu, bukan berarti aku jarang baca postingan2 anda,,,,selalu….lewat hape, pasti selalu disempatkan…Cuman sayangnya tak bisa komen…Huh, sebal…Ingin kali beli laptop, tapi blum punya uang…..

    Memang mba, kita harus ngesave bumi kita,,,, Atau klo tdk, kita ga bisa lihat porak porandanya dan guncangnya nafsu manusia yg berebut kedamaian, beberapa tahun lagi...

    Oh ya, tidak lupa. Cerpen Ramalan Madam Durja, Oh Gila! Eps.2 sdh terbit,,,silahkan baca….link’nya ada di shoutbox(buku tamu)

  4. @Diar A. : thanks for the supports!
    @Muhammad Qori : sama-sama kak! hehehe
    @aviorclef : aduh... jagan panggil mbak dong, saya kan laki-laki.... hehehe

  5. Salam kenal mas, bagus banget nich blognya... Semoga sukses selalu mas

  6. thank ya info ... mantap dah...hehhe

  7. setuju kita harus menjaga dan melindungi planet kita kalo gak ada bumi tinggal dimana lagi

  8. @54k1j0: betul mas! Selamatkan bumi kita!
    @baburinix:terimakasih banyak mas!

  9. holllaaa... a past few days i was so busy.

    hm.. global warming such a hot topic everywhere, then stop to reduce its effect start from ourself

  10. hai bro..........

    informasinya bagus banget,,,,,,,

  11. Stop global warming ! begins with smaal thing around us.
    Save our children, save our grang children.

  12. Let's green, save our earth becxause we only have one.

  13. Save the world

    mudah2an manusia peduli dgn alam ini

  14. Kita hrus jaga bumi kita, nanti kalo hancur dmn kita mau tinggal.....d mars??? ksana pake app??? pokoknya GO GREEN!!!

  15. selalu emanrik
    kita bisa berpatisipasi ayooo

  16. kunjungan balik, lama gak berkunjung...

  17. Ini tentang glomal warming yaa?
    Memang di tahun 2008 kemarin orang-orang pada gencarnya ngomongin hal ini...

  18. kita memang selalu ingin lebih, lebih, dn lebih... tapi kita juga hrus memikirkan generasi ssesudah kita

  19. This is a really good read for me, Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw.Thanks for posting this informative article.

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