Arctic is the others name for north pole. This region is known as the coldest places on the earth beside Antarctic or called as South Pole. This region is located on the northern part of teh Earth, surrounded by some countries like USA, Canada, Denmark, Russia, etc.
Arctic is one of the coldest place on the earth beside antarctic. This region is covered with ice and snow. There're only two seasons in this region. Summer and Winter.
At the Summer Season, the ice around arctic melt and mix with water from the ocean around Arctic because the high temperature. This melted ice make the Arctic size smaller. There isn't any night time at this season.
Contrary, at the Winter Season, the water from the ocean around Arctic freeze due the low temperature. That's why Arctic is larger than usual at this season. There isn't any day time at this season. This condition always changes regularly every six month due the changes of seasons.
Accidently, this regularity has been disturbed. Every year, Summer comes almost two weeks faster than it's last year. This means more ice and snow are melt, but, the weather on Arctic can't replace the melted ice. Because of that, Arctic's wide always decreased rapidly every years. This condition happens due the global warming that make the Earth's temperature hotter. This condition has make many orgnisms in Arctic suffer.
Around 1980, satelitte photos show that the minimum wide of Arctic reach 7.79 million kilometers. But, in 2008, satellite photos show that the minimum wide of arctic only 4.40 million kilometers. This fact shows that Arctic wide decreased around 3.39 million kilometers only in 28 years. (National Geographics, April 2009)
Now Arctic is in danger. This is because the effect of global warming that has decreased the amount of Arctic's ice. Beside that, Arctic are seized by some countries around it now. This is because some resarch found that there're many Petroleum resource in arctic. This petroleum resource may be come from the organisms that was live in the Arctic around 100 million years ago. At that time, arctic wasn't covered with ice and snow.
pls, be commentator on my post
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curang. aku cari mana shoutmixna malah pakai comment :) tapi gpp sih. hahahah
kakakku yang gagah,aku berkunjung lagi neh!!!
jalan-jalan sore gan :-D
kutub utara...
sejak dulu Q pengen kesana..
tapi apa daya...
Q bukan pinguin...
link dah terpasang....aku tunggu link baliknya yah...
look like nice place, but i bet it very cold there.
good night my dear friend, always support to you, live the beatles!!! :)
jalan-jalan ke banjarmasin sebentar
Melawan Orang-Orang Kafir<--- ada kisah-kisah terbaru di baca dan semoga bermanfaat
halow..mampir ke blog ku..
mampir nie..mampir balik yah..
Hai, kak! Aku berkunjung lagi, neh! jangan bosan ngeliat muka ku yang cantik ini, ya, kak!
mampir disini ahh,,jgn lupa utk mampir balik kawan :-)
smua blognya keren abis, two thumbs up!
Pa kbr sob ? lama gak berkunjung nih, sehat kan ? sukses selalu yah :)
thanks for your support to Stop Global Warming:)
yaaaa....lam kenal...
iyooo dah tw ko..qw dah prnah bka blog km..
tw gak sieh..aqw tu temanxa rizma??
just want remember the GLOBAL WARMING STILL CONTINUE
nice blog