moon is Earth's satellite. this space thing is the only one satellite that Earth has. Not like the other planets which have 2 or more satellites. Although some planets are don't have satellite.
Moon contains many iron and the other metals in it. This iron has made the Moon hard enough for collide with meteorites, although Moon doesn't have atmosphere for it protection. The density of iron and the other metals are high. Even, this density is estimated higher than the density of iron and the other metals that contained in Earth. This opinion may right. It because if suppose if two same size meteorite hit Earth and Moon, the crater that was cause by the meteorite collision will be bigger in Earth surface than in Moon surface, although Earth is protected by it's atmosphere. You can see on the Moon surface, there are many craters on it's surface. But, almost all of the craters on Moon surface are smaller than the craters on Earth surface.
One of the biggest mysteries about Moon is about it's origin. Researchers Found that moon come from a collision between Earth and a meteorite around 3 milliard years ago. At this time, Earth still a giant, red, hot planet. It because at that time Earth hasn't become cold. So, Earth still doesn't really dense like now. Because the collision, dust and many materials thrown away from Earth to the space. At space, these dust and materials then condense and born a young moon. The dust and materials that form Moon was estimated come from a region which calls Pacific Ocean now. At that time, the distance between Earth and Moon is fifteen times nearer. So, at 3 milliard years ago, the appearance of Moon are bigger than now. This is because the Moon's centrifugal force from Moon is stronger than Earth Gravitation.
Due the the Moon Centrifugal force is stronger than Earth gravitation, every years, Moon become farther around 3.8 centimeters. So, around hundred years from now, people will unable to see Moon anymore. It because Moon appearance will smaller and smaller every years. As an evidence, moon appearance in 3 milliard years ago are 15 times bigger than now.
New Posting!
waaaahhh makasih neh info bulannya...heheheh..
jadi tambah ilmu neh...
nice posting mas ;)
bahasa inggris saya kurang bagus ;)
padahal anak mesin kemarin ikut elti diyogya cm ampe buku 2 he3....
selamat malem sahabat blogger wah bahagia saya hari ini report TA lancar dan nambah info ditempat sahabat.
:) baru nntn hary potter di trans tv bagus
i like this blog
spirit blogging & share ..
Hi.. stepping by and i'm interested reading the born of the moon. But, there's confusion there...
At that time, the distance between Earth and Moon is fifteen times nearer. So, at 3 milliard years ago, the appearance of Moon are bigger than now. --> OK, agree
This is because the Moon's centrifugal force from Moon is stronger than Earth Gravitation. --> Centirfugal force means force to make something keep on the far distance from its centre, right? This statement is correct, but once you combine with the previous sentece, it becomes oppositely
Then the next paragraph, you're talking about it's centrifugal effect, and a contrast things again makes me confuse.
It because Moon appearance will smaller and smaller every years. --> OK.
As an evidence, moon appearance in 3 milliard years ago are 15 times bigger than now. --> if it's far, then it should be smaller, right?!
pls correct me if i'm wrong. Awaiting your explanation for my understanding :).
ow... using moderation? oks oks... awaiting your respond :)
hollaa... leaving message here also :D. hey... why using moderation? it will be more interactive if it appears without moderation. Just an advice :D. btw, if you want to make correction of some comments, you can respon it directly below the captioned comment :D. once more, just some advice :D
Ok Ma'am ! I've re-setting it hehehe :D
Ok Ma'am ! I've re-setting it hehehe :D
I wish someday we can live on the moon hehe.Thanks for visited my blog.
I'll link you.
salam sobat..he,,he,,he juga no one ever been on moon be4. even neil amstrong. nice info bro!!
jadi bulan satelit bumi ya....
talking about moon, i've wrtitten in one of the articel that related with this topic in my blog. Someday, we can't see the moon with naked eyes from the earth...Ok nice to know you my friend
wah. lama2 bulan jadi ilang ya???
aku jadi gak bisa jadi werewolf lagi dong...
menakutkan yaaa
salam sobat,,siip infonya,,,bahasa Inggris lagi....NICE BLOG.
waaaahhhh pake bahasa asing yaaaaaa... jadi tuing tuing nih pala sayaaaaaaa.... :D
dancing in the moonlight..
i'm sorry. it's nothing to do with your article.. :D
This is my first coming here..
Good post. really like it.
Nice blog.. salam kenal..
knjungan siang hari..d tggu knjungan baliknya :-)
it is great article, thanks friends
lam knl bos...
maksih dah mampir ya??
kerennnn sob...thanks info nya
bro..sakarng lagi gerhana tuw
walah..lupa nanya pha kabr bro! ditunggu postingan barunya...
apakabar? blom update nih blognya :P
hai rosmana.......
jadi suatu saat nanti, kemungkinan kita ga bisa liat bulan lagi dong ya?
hehehe...mampir aja bro. jgn bosen2 yaks klo aq mampir disini, namanya juga kunjungan
nice blog...
keep on writing..
mampir lagi...sekedar jln2 aja bro...kali aja dapet wangsit gratis
new posting! mampir ya.. :)
hulla , cuma mau berkunjung nih :D
salam sobat,trims kunjungannya,,,saya add link sobat nich
i love honey MOON...yeahhhh
"HI Mau Punya Jam Tangan Keren Tapi Murah??? Disini Tempatnya.."
whoa...iya niy ntu blog keroyokan bareng...
wah gua baru tau ternyata bulan lahir dengan cara yang menakjubkan hohoho keren artikelnya hehhe
kunjungan malam kawan,,d tggu knjungan baliknya ;-)
datang lagi..
coba test dolo
wah ini kok bisa gini yah ? wah keren banget nee.. udah master blogger mesti... heheheh....
inilagi basa bule... bikin pucing aja.. ikut komen aja dah...
sekalian butuh dukungan komen nee..
mkasih juragan !!!!!
aq dtng lagi hehehehe
hehhee...yoa..gitulah. aq mampir lagi yaks soalnya kaki gatel banget pengen BW
met wiken
Artikelnya menarik dan memnambah ilmu pengetahun
kk tukeran link n folower yu
mampir ya.. :)
mampir ya.. :)
wah menarik blognya,, tapi aku ga ngerti bahasanya,, he,,he,,
salam kenal kawan
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