Diposkan oleh Rosmana A.P. Saturday, December 19, 2009

Archaebacteria is a group of bacteries that known as procariotic organism. Some years ago, this kind of bacteries classified in Monera Kingdom together with Eubacteria. Archaebacteria estimated had been exist since prehistoric time. That's why this group of bacteries named Archaebacteria (Archae=Ancient, Bacteria=Bactery).
Archaebacteria lives in extreme environments like volcanic hotsprings, area with high salinity, and even areas with high acid level (low pH). These bacteries habitats are one of the reasons why these bacteries estimated had exsist since prehistoric era. The reason is based on the condition of prehistoric Earth which estimated almost same with the habitat of these bacteries.

Archaebacteria are divided into three kind of bacteries. Metanogen, Termoasidophilic and Halophilic. Metanogen are microbes that live without oxygen and CO2 and produce methane. This bacteries estimated had been exsist in prehistoric era which had only a little oxygen in the atmosphere. The second is Termoasidophilic bacteries. These bacteries usually found in areas which have high temperature, exactly around 70 degree celcious. This kind of bacteries is one of the microbes that live in hot temperature place like hotspring. The last archaebacterie is Halophilic bacteries. This bactery lives in areas which have extreme salinity like Dead Sea.

Archaebacteria is estimated as prehistoric bacteries. Beside that, these bacteries estimated as the ancestor of eucariotic organisms due to some similarity with eucariotic organisms although archaebacteria is procariotic organisms.

Many people believe that these archaebacteria is the ancestor of eucariotic organisms and the first organism that had been exsist in the world. An experiment to produce creatures ever attempted. Scientists estimated that the primordial atmosphere contained methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), CO2 and H2. Then due to lightning, cosmic radiation and UV rays, These substances react each other to form earlier creatures, which is carried by rain into the ocean. in billions of years, these substances eventually became the first living cell (primitive microbes) that estimated as Archaebacteria.

W. Miller have made experiments in the Lab. a tube containing this substance and water vapor (H2O) is passed to the high-voltage electric sparks. analyzed and the results were successfully obtained pirimidin and purines, and various amino acid components.purine and piridin a constituent bases of DNA in all living things.

Althought scientists have succeeded in making g substance into a living creature. they failed to explain how chemical compounds at that time had turned into living creatures and have the ability to reproduce and find food.

18 komentar

  1. KartoloCyber Says:
  2. kunjungan lagi mas rosmana...

  3. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  4. Silakan mas! Maaf linknya kehapus waktu ngutak-ngatik. Nanti saya pasang kalau saya online dari kompie... Sekali lagi mohon maaf mas...

  5. FatahKun Says:
  6. good,, sukses ya,!

  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. nice post good job my frend

  9. @ Miftahuddin & Udin: makasih sudah support! :D

  10. Kang Sugeng Says:
  11. Just visit back, soalnya saya kurang bisa mengartikan english. Maav...

  12. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  13. @ Kang Sugeng: gak apa-apa kok kang, saya juga masih belajar... hehehe...

  14. Dinoe Says:
  15. Nice content friend...

  16. akhatam Says:
  17. Wih info yang sangat menarik dan informatif..
    sukses selalu ya sob...

  18. Miftahuddin Says:
  19. makasih informasinya ya, menarik

  20. Anonymous Says:
  21. kayaknya tuh foto ada didalam seluruh umat manusia ya?

    mencoba memahami nih, bahasanya ilmiah banget brur!?

    cuma nangkep gambarnya aja.

  22. kak roni Says:
  23. pokoknya coment walau nggak ngerti bahasa inggris, sukses luar biasa cerdas untuk anda

  24. aku datang.... niceblog.. nicepost... keep blogging.. keep spirit..

  25. hery Says:
  26. gn....gmana ya ga bisa baca je..???

  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. wah wah ... hebat sob

  29. semangat terus sob

  30. ORC blog Says:
  31. harus bawa kamus nih...

  32. Anonymous Says:
  33. Terima kasih gan atas informasinya, sudah beberapa hari ini saya mencari informasi ini, ini sungguh sangat membantu saya . mulai sekarang saya akan bookmark blog ini agar saya bisa kembali dan melihat informasi yang terbaru.
    mungkin agan atau pengunjung blog agan juga membutuh kan infomasi dari saya, silahkan liat artilek saya yang sangat Mohon kunjungi website kami
    Terima kasih


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