Diposkan oleh Rosmana A.P. Saturday, December 26, 2009

Protist algae are eucariotic autothrophe organisms. This group consists of both unicellular and multicellular protist algae. This protist algae is look similarly with plants. That's why sometimes this protist algae thoughted as plants by common people.

Protiste algae named after "φύκια" (algae) which mean seaweed. Protist algae divided into 4 kind of algae, Red Algae (Rhodophyte), Green Algae (Chlorophyte), Brown Algae (Phaeophyte), and Gold Algae (Chrysophyte). This classification is based on the dominant pigment that found in the algae body.

Every kinds of these algae have a lot of benefits, especially for humans. Red Algae can be used for making jelly and cookies. Beside that, red algae also known as gelatin producer. Green algae can be used as supplemental source for humans. Brown algae used for agricultural fertilizer and feed for farm animals. Gold algae usually used as indicator of oil in Earth.

Common people sometimes think protist algae is a plant. But, it is wrong. Protist algae are different from plants. It is because there is one fundamental difference between protist algae and plants, although they have a lot of similarities.

The difference of these organisms are located at their mobility. Many protists algae have the ability to move actively like animals or microbes and other organisms. For example is Volvox sp. which is one of protist algae, that have the ability to move freely.

Oppositely, there are no plants that have ability to move freely. But, there are some plants that may move to respond stimulation. for example Mimosa pudica that close it's leaves in order to repond touch on it's leaves which known as seismonasti. Although some of plants can move to respond stimulation, they can't move freely like others organisms.

Thus, the main difference between protist algae and plants that automatically cause algae protists are not classified in the kingdom Plantae, it is because the algae protists are able to move actively while the plants are not.

42 komentar

  1. Ega Priatma Says:
  2. wah, sayang aku gak ngerti artinya

  3. Ada google translatenya kok! silakan kalau mau...

  4. keren pengetahuannya sobat, thank's for sharing

  5. affanibnu Says:
  6. jkenapa bahasa inggris.. ckckck!
    cari translatetan

  7. Translatenya ada di pojok kanan atas (dibagian atas widget contents)

  8. Thanks artikelnya. Sedot ilmunya ah..

  9. sedot juga ya..

  10. Silakan... :D

  11. ihsan mufthi Says:
  12. nice info gan,,
    cuma ora negrti

  13. gudangblog Says:
  14. mantap kang... nambah ilmu buat masuk IPA

  15. Ega Says:
  16. pas dengan materi sekolahku sekarang

  17. Mamas Ipenk Says:
  18. mksih ilmunya

  19. Ganggang Hijau untuk pembuatan agar2 kali yah??

  20. nice info :D ,,,

  21. putri malunya malu kalau di pegang ya...........

  22. Miftahuddin Says:
  23. makasih informasinya ya,,

  24. Zhys Says:
  25. bahsa inggris,,
    g' ngerti jadinya..

  26. mas doyok Says:
  27. sip mas :D
    bermanfaat rosmana

  28. @All: Terima kasih Banyak bagi yang sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk mengunjungi dan memberi komentar pada blog ini...

  29. mapdota Says:
  30. wah saya kurang paham tentang biologi....

  31. Qori Says:
  32. Algae tuh kalau gak salah lumut, kan?

  33. kak roni Says:
  34. alga, gangang itu bisa buat obat panjang umur loh

  35. Yan futaki Says:
  36. wah yg saya tahu itu cm sponbob squarepants

  37. Ocim Says:
  38. soal yg beginian saya mah nyerah aja hehe

  39. suwung Says:
  40. sip bos

  41. Pepi Says:
  42. I guess your article make us to back to nature..... we are missing our green plant like a few years ago.. like your posting guys....

  43. @mapdota: kalau begitu, silakan sedot ilmunya...

    @Qori: algae bisa berarti lumut, bisa berarti alga kak Qori, tergantung bahasa dan klasifikasi organismenya kak... Hehehe...

  44. @kak roni: semua makhluk hidup di dunia ini kan memiliki manfaat masing-masing bagi organisme lainnya...

    @Yan futaki: hehehe... Saya juga sering nonton...

    @Ocim: kalau begitu silakan disedot ilmunya kang.... Hehehe

  45. @ Suwung: makasih atas dukungannya mas!

    @Pepi: thank you for your support!

  46. yeah ...ane gak paham boss ...tulisan nya bhs inggris ..

    bhs indo z ngapa ...plis ..

    (garuk2 pala)

  47. Itu kayak organik didalam sel-sel tubuh dech

  48. Jaka Utama Says:
  49. wow info bagus sob
    thans 4 shared

  50. Unknown Says:
  51. wah mantep nih

  52. @Bana: Sekalian latihan buat nulis B. Inggris, selain itu yang versi Indo nya terlalu sering dicopas seenaknya...

    @Arief: kalau yang digambar itu ganggang keemasan kalau nggak salah

  53. @Jaka: Sama-sama Kang Jaka!

    @Kang Rohman: Makasih atas support dan komentarnya Kang Rohman...

  54. Beben Koben Says:
  55. hmmm...dulu perasaan pernah ketemu ma kotak komentar yg dijadiin kek SM, tapi lupa2 ingat nih...keknya orang luar deh yg p tutornya

  56. Beben Koben Says:
  57. tuh kan masuk ke komentar kalo ke ginih...hihihihih

  58. erica az Says:
  59. malu malu dong malu malu dong, bahasa inggrisnya bolong,,,,,,, hehe,,,

  60. @Beben: tutorialnya ada di blognya kang Ocim...

    @erica az: Translatornya ada di floating toolbar...

  61. Anonymous Says:
  62. this is a great site and great info

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  65. saya kurang mengerti dengan organisme-organisme kek gitu gan :)

    terima kasih sudah share info gan


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