Diposkan oleh Rosmana A.P. Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cells are the smallest part of organisms body. These things are the structural and functional unit in organisms. There're several types of cell. For example procariotic and eucariotic cells which divided based on the existation of membrane which cover the cell's nuclear. A cell will be classified as eucariotic cell if it have cell's nuclear membrane. If not, this cell will be classified as procariotic cell.

There're still many mysteries about cells. Especially cells mysteries which have relation with the origin of lives. One of them is the hypothesis about the origin of eucariotic cells which estimated come from procariotic cells. This hypothesis appears because the mystery of the lives origin that can't be solved.

This hypothesis said that eucariotic cells comes from procariotic cells. This is because there're many organeles and membrane structure that eucariotic cells have show similarities to whole procariotic cells structure. These similarities are estimated as the tranformation traces from procariotic cells into eucariotic cells. One of these traces is the cell's nuclear membrane. This nuclear membrane is said come from the cell's membrane which "fold" into it's inner cell. This folding maybe happens to protects the genetic substance which contained in the nuclear area in procariotic cells. As the evidences, you can see the nuclear membranes which show that these membrane are duplex (double membranes). Beside that, there's Endoplasmic Reticulum which said as the trace of the nuclear membranes formation.

Why Endoplasmic Reticulum said as the trace of the nuclear membranes formation? It because this organele connects the cell's nuclear and the environment outside cell. So, that's why this organele estimated as the trace of the formation of nuclear cell.

Beside this trace, there're Mitochondria and Plastide (Chloroplast) that also estimated as the traces. Mitochondria is an organelle which work as the place for cell's respiration. Plastide (Chloroplast) is an organele where photosynthesis take place. Plastide can be found only in photosynthetic cells.

Mitochondria and Plastide are estimated as a procariotic organism in the past. It because these organeles show similarities with procariotic organism. For example, the outter membrane of mytochondria which almost same with the nuclear outter membrane that estimated as the folding to the inner part. Even, Mitochondria has it's own DNA which really different with the nuclear's.

The formation of mitochondria and plastide are estimated start from an anaerobic eucariotic cell that "gulp" an aerobic procariotic cell by phagocytosis. After "gulped", this procariotic cell isn't diggested. But, become a kind of endosymbion that simbiote with it host (anaerobic eucariotic cell). This symbiosis gives benefits to these cells and cause they become unseparateable. Then, the aerobic procariotic cell become mitochondria and the anaerobic eucariotic cell become aerobic eucariotic cell.

That is the hypothesis of mitochondria origin. This hypothesis almost same with the hypothesis of plastide origin. The different is only the kind of procariotic cell that was gulped. If the mitochondria origin was estimated as aerobic procariotic cell. The plastide origin was estimated as photosynthetic procariotic cell. But, is this hypothesis right? No one know about it.

38 komentar

  1. zujoe Says:
  2. pertamaxx kah diriku????

    hepi wikeeeeenn...

  3. zujoe Says:
  4. wuiiihh.... bahasa linggis euy... tunggu tak cari kamus juga ahh...

  5. Rosmana A.P. Says:
  6. new posting!

  7. Kang Sugeng Says:
  8. Saya follow blog yg ini aja Ya Mas Rosmana

  9. Sorry Bro... I can't speak english

  10. Unknown Says:
  11. malam..lam kenal juga. maaf baru mampir.

  12. zee Says:
  13. karena berbahasa inggris, ga cukup baca sekali utk ngerti maknanya nih.

  14. suzhu BITES Says:
  15. i am not quite understand about biology or cells, cuz when i was still in high school, i never payed attention to this subject. so far, the info is good, keep going

  16. bamz Says:
  17. nice info dude, keep share !

  18. gomel Says:
  19. wow..
    biology,so interesting! i love biology..
    well, basicly, bedanya eukariot sama prokaritik kan ada atau tidaknya membran sel.. kalo di manusia, ya eukariotik karena mempunyai membran sel..
    nice info!
    jangan lupa mampir n komen balik yaa..ada yang baru :D

  20. cebong ipiet Says:
  21. cell ular phone. hehehhe :D weleh ini mbahas biologi ya

  22. Yolizz Says:
  23. okeh..okeh.. *manggut2 ga ngerti*

    maksud ne apo iku??? hehehehehe..

  24. zujoe Says:
  25. mampir lagi mas... apa akbra... halahh susah bgt unlisna... beribet hihi...

  26. suzhu BITES Says:
  27. mampir bro...

  28. Awal Sholeh Says:
  29. bingung mau koment apa selamat hari kemerdekaan mas :)

  30. Awal Sholeh Says:
  31. Merdeka Bangsaku. Bangsa indonesia kita jangan pernah patah semangat.. berjuang kembali dan bangkit

  32. Anonymous Says:
  33. Bang rosmana, blognya yang pake bahasa Indonesia ada gak?

  34. jd kagak ada yg tau x cuman tuham yg tau... he he..

    lho koq pake bhs inggris..postingan nya,,,,
    bhs indo yah ... hi hi hi

  35. Juliawan Says:
  36. hohoho mantap blognya salam kenal ya brO :D

  37. @M. Qori & Bana_online: ada sih mas, tapi nggak keurus (gak bisa ngurus 2 blog) hehehe. Kalau mau ada google translatornya kok (di bawah kotak komentar atas) hehehe, maklum sekalian belajar.

    @Juliawan: met kenal juga!

  38. yuph... great n smart posting. Just go ahead n good luck !

    btw, berkat support teman2, aq sukses menjadi THE WINNER dalam ALNECT COMPUTER BLOG CONTEST (Lomba kualitas isi posting untuk product Alnet) tHANKs a lot semuanya, KESUKSESA INI AQ PERSEMBAHKAN BUAT ANDA SEMUA.

    Salam sayang n peace, I ‘V U FULL….

  39. hmm...ada sel yang mesteri juga ya?

  40. Roshi Says:
  41. pelajaran bikogo ya' ? ??

  42. Roshi Says:
  43. pelajaran biologi maksudnya

  44. suzhu BITES Says:
  45. menapakkan jejak kaki lagi...tut..treett

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  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.  
  48. suzhu BITES Says:
  49. loha...bro, lagi ngapain nih? laper pengen makan

  50. Anonymous Says:
  51. Wah blognya hebat, saya suka isinya. Sukses !!!

  52. Aku di daerah Tambalangan dekat Pasar Amuntai,nggak terlalu jauh kok dari kota raden.Tanya ajha sama nenek kam bila sampai di Amuntai.End jangan lupa berkunjuung ke rumahku,key!

  53. hai rosmana........?

  54. hai rosmana lagi ngapain nich........?

  55. admin Says:
  56. Ngingetin semasa SMA nich...
    Biologiku anjlok hehe

  57. oksa Says:
  58. iya ingat pelajaran mitokondria, ,.....ria, '''''losa2, bilogi pas di smu dulu, pengen smu lagi :(

  59. nara Says:
  60. salute :)

  61. Ratusya Says:
  62. hm... just realized that i've not left any comments on this post.
    hm.. while studying this topic, i forgot to ask what the origin of eucariotic cell is.

    hm... is there any possibilities that eucariotic cells is evolution from procariotic ?
    Hm.. *thinking*

    will ask my friend on DNA institution and will let you know.

  63. Mas Adi Says:
  64. nice info...
    keep blogging!!!

  65. 168sdbet Says:
  66. Terima kasih gan atas informasinya, sudah beberapa hari ini saya mencari informasi ini, ini sungguh sangat membantu saya . mulai sekarang saya akan bookmark blog ini agar saya bisa kembali dan melihat informasi yang terbaru.
    mungkin agan atau pengunjung blog agan juga membutuh kan infomasi dari saya, silahkan liat artilek saya yang sangat Mohon kunjungi website kami
    Terima kasih


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