Some of these facts are modern scientific facts which recently invented. Although Al-Qur'an isn't a book of knowldege, Al-Qur'an contains a lot of modern facts which just invented recently. Indirectly, these facts have show us about the truth/correctness of Al-Qur'an "paragraphs".
For example, Al-Qur'an told us about The Creation of Universe at Surah AL-ANBIYA at "paragraph" 30,Surah AL-AN'AM at "paragraph" 101 and at surah ADH-DHARIYAT at "paragraph" 47.


(Q.S. AL-AN'AM: 101)

These paragraphs told us about The Creation of Universe that was "One" in the past. Then, it was separated into Earth and Heavens. Big Bang Theory has some similarity with Surah Al-Anbiya paragraph 30. Beside that, Surah Adh-Dhariyat also told us about the fact that this universe are expanding which recently known.
The other fact is Earth's atmosphere which functionate as Protector of Earth from danger which come from space radiance and the others dangerous thing. This atmosphere only allow a little radiance to enter Earth. This is because this little radiance are required by plants to survived.
Beside that, Surah Fussilat "paragraph" 12 told us about the creation of universe which also told about atmosphere layer indirectly.
Indirectly, this Surah told us that atmosphere consist of seven layers which have their own duty. Now, modern technologies show that Earth atmosphere consisted of seven layer with different function.
Surah Ar-Rum told us about The Lowest Place In The World which was known as The Basin of Dead Sea now. Actually, this Surah Told us about the lost of Byzantium against Persian. But, indirectly this surah told us about the lowest place in the world.

In Surah Ar-Rum, it is told that The Byzantine Empire has defeated in the "NEARBY" place by Persians... . From a research, we'll know that this "NEARBY" word means the lowest place in the world which refers to Dead Sea's Basin (which around 190 meters under the sea surface level). This surprising fact have already told in Al-Qur'an that descent 14 centuries ago when humans can't found this fact without modern technologies and calculations.
There're still many facts, not only scientific facts, but also the facts of "things" in this universe that had written in Al-Qur'an as a some of the evidence of Al-Qur'an's truth. Subhanallah...
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One of my favorite books, al qur'an, is the numero uno...
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One of my favorite books, al qur'an, is the numero uno...
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tentang al quraan kah....?
yang pastinya berhubungan dengan al qur'an.
Al Qur'an emang benar2 perfect!
Alqur'an memang sumber dari segala ilmu. O ya saya sudah follow blog kamu, follow balik ya.
subhanallah :)
Al-qur'an memang tempat terkandung beberapa hikmah...
kereeeennn... btw mohon maaf lahir bathin yaa...
Menyapa sahabatku chayank..
tulisan yang indah sekali..
salam sayang
“Demi Masa sesungguhnya manusia itu merugi”
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Meraih keselarasan diri dalam Ketenangan Jiwa
Menjadi Manusia seutuhnya meliputi lahir bathin
Dahulu datang putih suci bersih
Mudah mudahan kembali suci putih bersih
Salam Cinta Damai dan Kasih Sayang
‘tuk Sahabat Sahabatkuku terchayaaaaaaaank
I Love U fuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
maaf baru sempet mampir, baru bisa onlen lagi, ini juga blm ketauan bisa bertahan atau gag... makasii atas kunjungann hariannya kang iia.. mohon maaf lahir dan bathin :(
ao salam kenal yaa :)
tutorial yang bagus mas rosmana
Makasih mas Catur!
Allahu Akbar!
sungguh besar keagungan Allah...
tiada tara daya kuasanya!
begitu banyak misteri yang belum terungkap dalam dunia ini....
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Posting yang indah sobat... kalau saja kita dapat mempelajari Alquran dengan tafsirnya dan mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan ini.. ah alangkah indahnya
@ Selamat Jalan Calon Haji Kuningan : Betul mas! itulah salah satu tanda kekuasaan Allah